Courtney Weir

On February 24th Courtney Weir is going to be taking part in the Brighton half marathon then seven days later on March 3rd she will be taking part in the Eastbourne half marathon.

We asked Courtney for her thoughts…..“The reason I am doing this, is because of my amazing brother Kyle. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer on Friday 23rd December 2016, at just 26 years old. He had the tumor removed the following Thursday and it seemed as though he had caught it. However several months later another tumor was found. This time he had to have 9 weeks worth of chemotherapy. This is where we came in to contact with the Brighton Cancer Unit. All of the Nurses and Doctors there were very welcoming, remembering Kyle’s name and trying to keep it as familiar and comfortable as possible.

Since then our younger sister Billie-Mae has cut off her beautiful hair for the Princess Trust as well as raising over £1000 for them. Kyle has made a remarkable recovery and is back to his usual sarcastic big brother self, and we couldn’t be happier.

The Sussex cancer unit were absolutely brilliant throughout all of Kyle’s treatment. Without them he wouldn’t have had such a speedy recovery. It’s been 12 months since his last chemo session, but that isn’t the same for many others. I want to continue raising awareness and money for such a fantastic charity and help more families get that day you wait tirelessly for ‘you’ve beaten it!’


Although he has now been given the all clear, there are many families still going through the same situation that we went through, which is why I have chosen to take part in two half marathons in 7 days. To continue raising awareness and donations.”

You can use the button below to help Courtney with her fundraising