Christianne WhitfieldChristianne Whitfield, Clinical Research Nurse, is joining the SCF Team in this year’s Brighton 10k as part of the Brighton Marathon Weekend. Christianne is running in memory of Annie Broe, a patient and also a Business Ambassador for the Sussex Cancer Fund. Christianne and Annie first met at the Run Brighton running club where Annie was the Ambassador for the 5hr group and led the entire group through the marathon training. Christianne recalls how Annie was such a great inspiration and really helped and encouraged her and lots of other runners, and how she always had the right words to say when they were flagging and training was getting tough. ‘Walking with Purpose’ has now become a mantra for those who do Jeffing in this group.


Thank you, Christianne for running for us and in memory of such a special lady. Good luck with the training and we shall see you on the day.


If you would like to show your support for Christianne you can do so on her Just Giving Page  or if you would like to find out more about running for the Sussex Cancer Fund please do get in touch