food bank appeal for cancer patientsThe Sussex Cancer Fund is appealing to their supporters for donations of food for Cancer Patients in response to the Covid-19 crisis. Mhairi Donald, Consultant Dietitian (You can read more about Mhairi here) has been co-ordinating a Food Bank project which has been receiving kind donations of food and then distributing them to cancer patients in need. Also part of the project is the Brighton College Parent Support Group, who have been gathering up and providing supplies since cancer patients needed to self-shield and have been instrumental in making this project work. Fare Share Sussex has also been dropping off supplies on a weekly basis.

The project has been operating from the Macmillan Horizon Centre, a joint project between the Sussex Cancer Fund, Macmillan Cancer Care and the Brighton & Sussex University Hospital Trust.

Mhairi commented, “We have been getting a great supply of foods for our foodbank but we have found some gaps and are looking for some specific items that will be good for cancer patients undergoing treatment.”

They are particularly looking for

  • Dried milk powder,
  • Milkshake powder like Nesquick,
  • Long-life ready to drink milkshakes, like Weetabix On The Go and Ready Brek,


These items are especially good for head and neck and oesophageal cancer patients who are struggling with swallowing

Any donations should be dropped off at the Horizon Centre Café and please adhere to the social distancing rules.


We would like to say a massive thank you to all those that have donated so far, the Macmillan Horizon Centre for the use of their Café, Sarah Back, Cancer Nurse Specialist, Fare Share, the Brighton College Parent Support Group and of course the wonderful Mhairi and all the other staff who have been lending a hand.