SussexSaunterIt’s our aim to help as many cancer staff, departments and patients as possible but we need your help so join us for the #SussexSaunter.

Covid-19 has had a devastating effect on charities, while the larger national and NHS charities have seen a marked increase in publicity the smaller charities closer home have seen their income slashed. The Sussex Cancer Fund is no exception, we have seen the money coming into the charity drop dramatically over recent months.

That’s why we are asking you to get involved with our #SussexSaunter campaign. It’s a campaign that everyone can join in with, you set your own challenge and go at your own pace. So whether you want to walk 10,000 steps a day for 10 days or Run Every Day for a month or even dream up a completely new and wacky challenge, we would love you to do it for the Sussex Cancer Fund.

We are launching the campaign in time for #SmallCharityweek (WC 15th June), if you would like to get involved please get in touch so we can support your personal campaign, pop an SCF t-shirt into the post for you and help you with some promotion ideas.

Or if you want to get started straight away you can set up a fundraising page on JustGiving, Local Giving or on your Facebook page.

Facebook is probably the easiest way to collect donations for your challenge, and they don’t charge us any admin fees, so 100% of the money raised will come to us. Just remember to add your support a non-profit donation button, select the Sussex Cancer Fund and tag us @sussexcancerfund so we can share details of your challenge.

Thank you and Good luck!