David Totterdell MarathonWe are delighted to have secured two places for the London Marathon this year and one of our runners is David Totterdell, a local chef who is running a Marathon for the first time.

David Said “How does a 52-53 year old chef come to be lucky enough to land one of only two places to represent Sussex Cancer Fund in the London Marathon?  I’m not sure really, but I’m thrilled.  Just over a year ago, I’d never run more than 10k, but I’ve discovered that not only can I manage the marathon distance, but (weirdly) I really enjoy it.  London, the most iconic city street marathon on the planet, is going to be very special, particularly this year, the 26th year since the death of my beloved mother from oesophageal cancer.  Fundraising for a cancer charity is perfect for my debut Abbott Marathon Major (and indeed street marathon event).  I am honoured to have been chosen by Sussex Cancer Fund and will do my utmost to do you all proud.”


If you would like to support David with his first Marathon run and help the Sussex Cancer Fund support Cancer Patients in Sussex please donate via the button below.

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A group of people in conversation

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