My Superhero Run - World Record Attempt -Wednesday 28 April 2021My Superhero Run is a free virtual event on Wednesday 28 April 2021 (National Superhero Day) where individuals and families can run, walk, jog or scoot – whatever suits! – for 5km anywhere, anytime dressed in a Superhero outfit to raise money for charities including the Sussex Cancer Fund and help set a new unofficial world record of the most people dressed as a Superhero and photographed in a 24hr period! [UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT IS BEING POSTPONED BUT THE SUPERHERO RUN IS GOING AHEAD AS PLANNED]

On 28 April, National Superhero Day, walk, jog, run 5km anywhere, anytime in a Superhero outfit and send us a pic to try and help set a new unofficial WORLD RECORD!! *

Yes, we need 1566 people to dress up in a superhero outfit and send us a picture to set a new record. Entry is free, but you can order a superhero outfit and medal if you wanted to.

So go on, release your inner superhero, and sign up for your virtual running place today!

A group of people in conversation

Help make a real difference and donate to Sussex Cancer Fund today.