Sarah’s Spontaneous HeadshaveSarah Hurst was taken ill in Mexico in March on her way to her son’s wedding In San

Diego. A CT scan revealed two eight centimetre tumours on her ovaries.

She became so ill that she had to be repatriated immediately and had to miss the wedding.

Sarah was operated on at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.  A diagnosis of ovarian cancer was confirmed and she has just started chemotherapy.


Knowing she was going to lose her hair, Sarah decided to have it shaved off on Saturday July 3rd for the Sussex Cancer Fund. “On Thursday July 1st it became apparent that my hair wasn’t going to wait until the weekend” said Sarah. “A quick decision was made and Thursday became ‘Head Shave Day’. I went live on social media hoping to raise at least £250.00. It really took off and now we are over £2500.00 in less than 24 hours with 96 donations. It is a great response from everyone.  The support has been awesome.”


“Some people don’t want to talk about cancer, I do and I will. I am not ashamed of it and that’s why I went live.  The whole experience turned what could have been an extremely negative experience into something really positive.”

You can see the headshave


Sarah has now gone on to raise over £4,500. Thank you Sarah and thank you to all those that have donated so far. If you would like to show your support for Sarah, you can do so on the link below.