Run for a Charity

If you are a seasoned runner or a newbie to the sport and would like to run for a charity please choose us! We are a Brighton based charity serving the whole of Sussex. The Sussex Cancer Fund works with the NHS to create new and improved facilities for cancer care in Sussex and would love some extra help to raise the vital funds we need.


If you are entering a race and would like to support a local charity please do get in touch. We can provide you with running vests or t-shirts and help to publicise your run through our social media channels. You can find our Just Giving page here. We regularly have team places at the Brighton Marathon, the Brighton Marathon 10k and the Brighton Half Marathon but we would be delighted to get your support whatever race you decide on.


You can find ideas to help raise more money in our Fundraising Pack and we have some customisable & downloadable fundraising poster templates etc available.