Joanna Rees, Author.Joanna Rees Joanna Rees, aka, Josie Lloyd is a Brighton-based author of 15 best-selling novels and also several parodies which she has written with her husband, Emlyn. Jo went through breast cancer in 2017 and has subsequently written a novel based on her experience called ‘The Cancer Ladies’ Running Club’ (published in June 2020).

She continues to run the BM10K each year to raise money for the SCF. As someone who is not just surviving, but positively thriving on the other side of cancer, Jo feels passionately about sharing her experience in order to help others and feels that in supporting the SCF, her fundraising can make a real, positive difference to cancer patients.

She’s on instagram @josielloydwriter and on FB joannareesbooks and on twitter @joannareesbooks