Charity Bake-off #LoveCake charity bake-off – June 2020

Join our charity bake-off this June and see what treats you can cook-up for your colleagues. Our #Lovecake campaign is a bake-off style competition that you can hold in your workplace. You pick the date in June and get all your team involved baking cakes which can then be raffled or sold raising funds for the Sussex Cancer Fund. If you would like to get involved let us know, and we will send you a printable poster to be displayed in your offices or staff room and a set of certificates you can present to your lucky winners.

Our categories are:

  • Show Stopper Award
  • Best Tasting Award
  • Best Presentation Award
  • The Wooden-spoon Award

Share your creations on our social media channels using the hashtag #SCFBAKE20 – Good luck!


A group of people in conversation

Help make a real difference and donate to Sussex Cancer Fund today.