mark Froud Business AmbassadorMark is supporting the Sussex Cancer Fund as 2 family members had and recovered from bowel cancer.

Mark was Chief Executive of Sussex Enterprise (1996-2012) where he represented the views of the 80,000 Sussex businesses, as well as managing the delivery of a range of business services. In 2012 he led FISSS (a national charity) to become the certification authority for Apprenticeships in the UK. He introduced an online national system to replace 24 paper-based sectoral systems.

In 2020 he led Tempo Time Credits to replace a paper-based system with a digital Time Credit system. A Time Credit is earned for an hour of volunteering and can be used at local leisure centres, arts and entertainment venues as well as some national venues. Tempo’s Time Credits were aimed at encouraging disadvantaged and disengaged people to volunteer as part of their personal development. Mark retired at the end of 2022 and is now volunteering and supporting a number of local and national charities.