We were delighted to have spent the day recently with Gary Dellow, one of our new Business Ambassadors. Gary has been involved with the charity for some time and has helped us out with photography for some of our events, including our charity Fashion Show.

This time, Gary very kindly came and spent some time with us to take new photographs of our facilities and equipment. Our fundraisers like to see where their money is being spent and good quality photos are a great way to spread the news of our work.

Gary works for Lloyds banking Group based in Hove, East Sussex. Lloyds encourage fund raising for a few charities including Cancer plus awareness. Lloyds allows their staff a day off each year to help within the community. Gary chose to spend his day with us.

We asked him about his involvement with the charity and why he likes to get involved “I work in the Customer Vulnerability Team for Mortgages which involves people going through treatment and some that are terminally ill. The work is demanding, stressful and can be emotional but worthwhile all the same.

My Mother passed away with this awful disease and my sister is in recovery so, when I was asked initially to take part in covering a fashion shoot, I jumped at the chance to offer something back and then Julia and I had a chat about being an ambassador whilst taking other photos, so agreed to assist. “

We are very grateful to Gary and our other Business Ambassadors. If you would like to find out more about how you could become a Business Ambassador please see our Ambassador page