Unfortunately one of the side effects of receiving cancer treatment, like chemotherapy, can be damaged fingernails and toenails. They may grow more slowly and break more easily, often becoming very tender and can leave patients open to infections. Sussex Cancer Fund has purchased a few tubes of Polybalm for patients undergoing treatment in Worthing and Brighton Chemo Units, but with your help, we can help more people.

Polybalm is the only natural nail remedy to be scientifically designed, prepared, and evaluated in a major government-backed randomized controlled trial (RCT). It contains rare plant-based waxes and biologically active essential oils which have been delicately prepared to preserve their rich polyphenolic compounds with no potential irritants such as preservatives, colours, parabens, sulphates, or petroleum. The balm gives protection to the nail bed cells during treatment and also has anti-microbial properties which help prevent secondary infection so overall keeping the nail healthy and intact.

Sussex Cancer Fund supports patients who are often on a difficult and stressful journey, and patient comfort is a key way, we can support patients. Polybalm is a simple but effective way we can prevent discomfort during treatment, if you would like to help more patients with this treatment, you can buy Polybalm directly from our Amazon Wishlist, or if you would prefer to donate please do so via the button below.  Thank you

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