Julian Lenton Sussex Cancer Fund Manager
Julia Lenton, Fund Manager

The next person we wanted to cover on our Spotlight on Staff series was Julia Lenton the Fund Manager. Basically Julia is the one who makes the Sussex Cancer Fund run smoothly. Until recently Julia was the only paid member of staff and as you can imagine really has had her hands full managing the charity.

What is your role at the charity?

“I manage the fund in terms of administration. My role covers everything from meeting and liaising with fundraisers through to purchasing equipment. I have to ensure that I get the highest specification equipment but at the best prices, in fact, much of my time is taken up with procurement. I speak with fundraisers, giving them support at events when needed, and also do all the necessary banking and write all the thank you letters to our wonderful supporters. Really, my role is ever-changing and can include some quite random duties. I can be arranging a photoshoot one day, or fixing a dishwasher on a ward the next!”

How long have you worked here?

“I have worked for the Sussex Cancer Fund for 8 years. I see myself as extremely lucky to work for such an amazing organisation.”

What is the best bit about your job?

“It makes me feel like I am making a difference. I love meeting the fundraisers and seeing the difference we make to patients and hospital staff. Two particular highlights that stand out are:

Ringing the ward to say that a new chemo chair we hand funded had arrived, the response from staff being ‘Ah that is fantastic news, we so need it, last week we were so busy and we had nowhere to seat a patient’.

The second highlight being; having a fundraiser in my office crying, saying that his life had been saved by research the Sussex Cancer Fund had paid for.”

Is there anything you would like to add?

My role here at the Sussex Cancer Fund is incredibly rewarding, no two days are ever the same. I would like to thank the wonderful appreciative staff, for their support and commitment to their jobs, patients and the charity and to thank our wonderful fundraisers and supporters, whom without them we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do”.