Zingy Thetho

Zingy Thetho will be a familiar face to anyone following the Sussex Cancer Fund news and events. Often popping up on our social media, Zingy is an avid fundraiser for us and Zingy and her team are often recipients of equipment bought by Sussex Cancer Fund. So we thought it would be nice to find out a little more about what Zingy does at BSUH.

What is your job title?

Zingy Thetho – Ward Manager

What is your role at the hospital?

I manage Courtyard 8 Cancer Ward at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. I am responsible for creating and maintaining a safe environment for patients, making sure they receive the best care possible. I look after the staff making sure they have the right equipment to do their job well, organise the rotas and manage training and development plans. As well as the practical aspects of my role, I am also here to look after the general welfare of the staff and offer support if needed.

How long have you worked here?

I have been in this role for 7 years but with the Trust for over 20 years.

What is the best bit about your job?

The people. The staff, the patients and their relatives. I have the time to chat with the patients. It is something that is often overlooked but having the time to simply talk to patients can make a big difference to patients’ mental wellbeing and feelings of assurance. I also like to spend time with the Team, both as individuals and as a group. I get a great feeling of satisfaction by finding solutions to problems and of course seeing people get the best possible care.

What is your connection with the Sussex Cancer Fund?

Sussex Cancer Fund is huge for us. It is our main charity. If we need something that is not provided by the NHS the Sussex Cancer Fund can often provide it. It helps bridge the gap when budgets do not stretch.

How has the Sussex Cancer Fund helped you?

There are so many things that the Sussex Cancer Fund have done for us but to name just a few;

  • Nebulisers which patients can take home with them to enable then to get a faster discharge.
  • 2 Reclining chairs which means that relatives have somewhere more comfortable should they wish to stay with their loved ones.
  • A mobile phone, so when relatives call, we can take the phone to the patients so they can talk to their loved ones.
  • Bedside tables, colourful chairs for the quiet room, dayroom and ward
  • Staff training and an away day to help with team building
  • Heat pads
  • Staff lockers, so we have somewhere to keep our belongings during shifts
  • A fridge for staff to keep their lunch in, and also patients if they have anything they would like to keep chilled.

Have you done any fundraising for the Sussex Cancer Fund? If so, what did you do?

Running is my thing. So far I have run 4 marathons for the Sussex Cancer Fund

How the Sussex Cancer Fund has made a difference?

I can’t thank the Sussex Cancer Fund enough. I manage a small NHS budget and I have to carefully prioritise spend to get maximum benefit. The Sussex Cancer Fund makes such a huge difference. They often make up the shortfall, quite often it is the perceived little things they provide which can make the biggest impact, they help us provide the highest standard of care. It also makes a difference to staff, making their jobs easier and makes them feel valued. I have a great relationship with the charity; we have easy access directly with the charity manager, which means we can often get equipment quickly. Also being a specific charity for cancer care means we are not competing for other sources of funds.

As well as making things better for the ward and patients, on a personal level, without Sussex Cancer Fund I would not have had the opportunity to run the London Marathon. It was so fulfilling, a personal challenge while raising over £2500 for the charity.

If you would like to help Zingy by providing even more equipment for her team please donate using the button below.
