All 3 Radiotherapy units, within the Sussex Cancer Centre, would like to express their gratitude and thanks for the donations made by the Sussex Cancer Fund, that enables us to buy crucial equipment and products, to give our patients the best experience possible.

Of these products, the tunic plays a pivotal role in the smooth running of the department, for all patients having radiotherapy to the upper body. All patients having treatment in this region are given a tunic on their first day. They change into it prior to treatment, in a designated changing room and then move through into the treatment suite. The tunics are designed so that they have poppers lengthways down the front and on the shoulders with a drawstring, so that they can be adjusted for patient comfort. The poppers are really useful; as they mean that the area to be treated is not only easily accessible but patient dignity is maintained, as areas of the body not receiving treatment can remain covered.  After the radiotherapy the patients get changed again and keep their tunic for the course of their treatment.

Having tunics to give out to patients would not be possible without the help of the Sussex Cancer Fund. They not only allow the department to run in a timely fashion but most importantly provide patients with dignity and an all-round better experience.