cancer charity lotteryNew Cancer Charity Lottery Starting 5th December

We are very excited to announce our very own Sussex Cancer Fund Lottery. To help celebrate our 40th Anniversary in 2021 we have launched our very own charity lottery to give something back to our supporters while raising much-needed funds to help us continue our work and fulfil our mission to provide the best possible care for cancer patients in Sussex. Playing is easy just sign-up through One Lottery.

  • Win prizes of up to £25,000!
  • Tickets only cost £1 per week
  • 50% of all tickets sold from our page go to us!
  • Join today it only takes a minute
  • And remember #RaisedInSussexStaysInSussex

The draw will take place every Saturday night (starting 5th December 2020). Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 per week, with a top prize of £25,000!

Each ticket will consist of 6 numbers and each number will be between 0 and 9. There will be a draw every Saturday night when a 6 digit winning combination will be picked. Match all 6 and you win the JACKPOT! From every £1 ticket sold 50p will go to the Sussex Cancer Fund! To put this in perspective when you play the National Lottery only 25% goes to good causes.

Good luck!