Sussex Cancer Fund Amazon Wish LIstAs a charity we have always been as transparent as possible, we want our supporters to know exactly where their donations go to. That’s why we have always had a wish list and supporters can choose (should they want to) exactly what their money is spent on. To take this one step further we have now created an Amazon Wish List of some of the things that we buy on a regular basis.

This means you can help cancer patients in Sussex directly by purchasing from the Sussex Cancer Fund Amazon Wish List. All we ask is that you contact the Sussex Cancer Fund team (01273 664930) beforehand to check whether the item is still needed, for example, as useful as they are, an order of coffee stirrers may last us quite a while and storage space is an issue so it may be worth delaying an order or choosing something else off the list.

We would also encourage our supporters to do all their Amazon shopping through Amazon Smile. By signing up to Amazon Smile, Amazon will make a small donation to the Sussex Cancer Fund every time you shop and at no extra cost to yourself.

The items on the list are quite limited as the majority of the things we buy are very specialist medical equipment but there are a few reasonably priced regular items the Cancer Teams need which you can choose from.


Thanks again for your support and even if you are not in a position to buy us anything from our wish list please use Amazon Smile for any shopping you do happen to do thorough Amazon.