World Ovarian Cancer Day 8th May Dr Kate LankesterWorld Ovarian Cancer Day 8th May 2020

We asked Dr Kate Lankester, Consultant in Clinical Oncology at the Sussex Cancer Centre what World Ovarian Cancer Day is for.

“May 8th is World Ovarian Cancer Day which is dedicated to raising awareness of Ovarian Cancer.  Ovarian cancer is the 6th most common female cancer in the UK (data from Cancer Research UK).  It often doesn’t cause symptoms early on, so, unfortunately, the majority of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed when it has already spread from the ovary to other parts of the body. 

Cancer services are still being provided in Sussex, despite the Covid 19 virus outbreak.  There may be women with symptoms that they are worried about who have delayed seeking medical advice.  This may be due to concerns about Covid 19 or putting pressure on NHS services.  We would encourage anyone in this situation to contact their GP who will organise appropriate investigations and referral up to a Gynaecology Consultant.  For any patient contact, the doctors and nurses are wearing protective masks and aprons and the hospitals have been separated into ‘Covid 19 positive’ and ‘Covid 19 negative’ areas. “


The Sussex Cancer Fund supports the Sussex Cancer Centre and other Cancer departments in Sussex with essential equipment, funds for additional services, building and refurbishments, facilities for improved patient comfort as well as funding cancer research projects. Please donate if you can to help us provide the best possible cancer treatment in Sussex for generations to come.

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