We are delighted to have local branded promotional product company YesPromo supporting the Sussex Cancer Fund as their main charity of the year in 2018.

The company are led by their director/founder, Shirley Price, who set up the company in 2011 and recently joined our business ambassador programme in 2017.

Shirley decided to support the Sussex Cancer Fund after seeing the impact the fund makes to the care of local patients with cancer:

“When I became an ambassador, and learned more about the Sussex Cancer Fund, I was truly taken aback by the charity’s “Wish List”… There are some large equipment needs; like any charity, the centre would benefit from more kit to allow them to offer services to more users, such as specialist chemotherapy machines at a cost of thousands of pounds.

“But there are also some very basic items, that you or I might afford by foregoing lunch out for a day… such as heat warming pads at £29.99 or a children’s book box, mugs for the waiting room, or a bedside table so that patients don’t need to eat lunch on their laps. It would be fantastic if members from the local business community would consider donating one item each from this “affordable” list.” – Shirley Price, YesPromo Blog

Companies like YesPromo are making a real difference to the lives of local patients with cancer, through team fundraising events, kind donations of items on our Wish List, and helping to spread the word amongst their business contacts about the Sussex Cancer Fund.

To find out how to get involved in our Business Ambassador Programme and the benefits for your business, please see our Business Ambassadors page.

Thank you YesPromo from all here at the Sussex Cancer Fund!